ARP Presentation
Project Findings
From conducting this project, I have become aware of the following: -D305 is not seen as part of the course, yet it is extremely present in everyone’s experience. I really want it to be one. -D035 is not seen as a resource-D305 is considered to be an uninviting space with no sense of identity.-Spaces that…
Participant Facing Documents
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Research Methods: Interviews (Primary)
Interview no. 1 Reflections: My first interview was soothing as it made me realise, this is not hard to do. Yet I understood I need to plan more thoroughly before hand. The interview was semi-planned and audio-recorded, took place online and it was undergone with another member of staff that does not teach on the…
Research Methods: Auto-ethnography (Primary)
Dear [hot-desking studio] D305, Your were big and had large windows on three sides and one of them was more than 30m long. You had 3 screens and multiple doors and high ceilings and grey floors and blind spots. You had 3 sets of big blue curtains that separated you in 4 equal parts. You…
Research Methods: Readings (Content & Methods)
I have been conducting desk based research with regards to both methods and content. CONTENT: I have decided to focus my project on studio left-overs and hot-desking environments. I am interested in the relic, surviving residue, scourings, slops, crumbs, dregs and excesses. Equally, what is this space that we call the studio? I am curious…
Askel H. Troja (2006) Writing Small Discoveries: an exploration of fresher observer’s observations p. 429-250 AET team, Bangamalanha & Centre, Dubbo (2023) Aboriginal Pedagogy [Online] Available at: https://www.8ways.online/about [Accessed 19th December 2023] Bey, H. (1991) T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone: Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism. Automedia: New York, USA. Bennet, Jane (2010) Vibrant Matter: A Political…
ARP Action Plan
Research Methods: Reflections on found objects (Primary)
What are studio leftovers? What do they do? In order to explore the above questions, I conducted a collection of objects and an reflective analysis of them. The analysis primarily comes from previous experiences of those items. Definitions: Leftover: 1. something, especially food, remaining after the rest has been used.(synonyms: legacy, residue, trace, leavings2. remaining;…