Category: Uncategorised

  • Planning ARP

    >> What am I interested in?I am interested in hotdesking learning / making environments how they are perceived by students. What belongs in the studio? What can leftovers tell us about a teaching session? I would like to study this by what is left behind after a studio making session. Part of these interests link…

  • What are studio left-overs and what can they do in the hot-desking learning space?

    *****RATIONALE******* I am a lecturer on BA Illustration and Visual Media, a course with large student numbers that operates on a hot-desking basis. Alongside teaching, I practice as an artist and designer. Since starting teaching, I have been trying to promote and facilitate the creation of strong studio culture. I am startled by the fact…

  • Reflective report

  • Pre-Task Session 3

    PRE-TASK SESSION 3: Task 2: How does this relate to your understanding of faith / religion in the context of inclusivity  How does this impact your practice  It alters my expectation of faith as something that in itself experiences evolution, that there are practitioners critically engaging with faith / religion / spirituality. It is a…

  • Artefact: Version 1 + 2

    INCLUSIVE PRACTICES UNIT: ARTEFACT VERSION 1 Eleni Papazoglou  Context of Artefact As someone with an utterly western education, my contextual references are often of a western context. As a teaching team, we have had conversations on diversifying references. Some tutors do it automatically, others pay close attention to this (in different ways) and when planning is…

  • Ideas for Intervention / Artefact

    Archive of Practitioners   BA Illustration and Visual Media (LCC) has a padlet page that is integrated on Moodle called ‘Archive of Practitioners’. Both students and staff can add to the pallet board, creating a diverse and polyphonic reference list that students can use. (I believe this was Rachel Davey’s Intervention for the Inclusive Practices Unit…

  • Glossary of terms

    From Hahn Tapper’s essay ‘A pedagogy of social justice education: social identity, theory and intersectionality’ (2013)  +++++++Social justice education: recognizes the disparities in societal opportunities, resources, and long-term outcomes among marginalized groups. No single meaning and use. Other terms: anti-oppression education, diversity education, and multicultural education Intercommunal dialogue: dialogue within a community, or amongst two or more communities …

  • Reflecting on this unit so far

    Having had a positive experience of the pgcert so far, I was looking forward to this unit. I also thought that living in a diverse house of 9 people that runs much like a co-op, where conversations around gender, race, sexuality, ability and class are prominent (and challenging) would have primed me to receive the…

  • Faith

    I grew up in Greece, which in the 90s was 90% Christian Orthodox, and in which communities with diverse spiritual practices were very closed. Often ceremonies took place in spaces that were rented or domestic. Moving to London expanded my understanding of the range of spiritual practices. I found the terms of reference from SoN…

  • Disability

    Cristine Sun KimI have been following the work of Christine Sun Kim for a long time. While taking the time to watch this video, I was thinking about the different textures of sound D/deaf people make, experience, enjoy and create. Why would one create certain sounds and what attracts them? Sun Kim mentions vibrations and…