Mud, Muddy Muddier Still: Pedagogic Research in the Arts University
Notes: 11.01.2023 Thinking about the material qualities of the work you do: what your feet are touching // thinking about the embodied self –Demystifying research by sharing projects in progress:Why do we differentiate theoretical from practical research? What research methods does my creative practice use already?1. collecting / collaging 2. scaling up / shrinking down…
Introductory Workshop: 10.01.2023
It has been helpful to see what literature is recommended as part of the course, as well as to reconsider what references are already part of my practice that can be deemed relevant to educational contexts. In this case, I have chosen to re-read extracts from The Undercommons Fugitive Planning & Black Study by Fred…
Hello PgCert
Hey, my name is Eleni Papazoglou and I teach on BA Illustration & Visual Media, primarily on Y1 & Y2. I am hoping to get further insight into diverse academic practices as well as self awareness of practices I already use in my teaching. I am also looking forward to understanding policy and what is…
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